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Find out about typical reference cases where Dr. Thiele was already working as a lawyer or still is.
Continuous court representation of large trading company
Continuous court representation of a large German trading company in disputes with suppliers (double-digit number of cases concerning 6- and 7-digit EUR sums).
Continuous court representation of electronics manufacturer
Continuous court representation of an international high-tech electronics manufacturer (inter alia disputes concerning medical technology).
Claim enforcement against insurance
Court representation of a company against a machinery breakdown insurance to enforce an insurance claim (value of dispute: approx. EUR 430,000.00).
Defending client against guarantee claim
Defending a steel manufacturer in a lawsuit against a EUR 1.5 million guarantee claim.
Successful action against an incontestable default decree
Advice and successful representation of a UK machine trader against a default decree which was legally in force and incontestable (by way of a reinstatement action).
Enforcement of loan claim
Advising and representing a hair cosmetics manufacturer in a lawsuit to recover a loan claim of approx. EUR 3 million (2 court instances).
ICC arbitration against Indian supplier of solar modules re warranty claims
Advising and representation of a solar module manufacturer in an ICC arbitration against an Indian supplier (warranty claims / claims for damages of an 8-digit EUR amount).
Defending client against 7-digit remuneration claim
Advising and representing an MDAX company for defence in a lawsuit against a 7-digit EUR remuneration claim concerning a project agreement.
Enforcing claims for damages against packaging supplier
Advising and representing a food manufacturer (meat segment) in a lawsuit against a packaging supplier concerning claims for damages.
DIS Arbitration re warranty claims in a construction project
Advising and defending a client in a DIS arbitration against alleged warranty claims in an offshore windfarm project regarding an ICCP corrosion protection system (value of dispute: approx. EUR 6,400,000.00).
Enforcement of purchase price claim against B2B customer
Enforcement of a purchase price claim of a leading thermostat producer against B2B customer in the amount of more than EUR 500,000.00.
Litigation re warranty claims against lessor of industrial machine
Advising and court representation of a food company in a dispute against a lessor of an industrial machine to enforce warranty claims of approx. EUR 450,000.00.
Defence against warranty claims re cooling system in a construction project
Court representation of a well-known thermostat producer in an independent evidence proceeding in order to defend client against alleged warranty claims with regard to a cooling system in an administration building of a large bank.
Representing company in a post MBO dispute
Advising and representing an MDAX company in a complex post-MBO dispute (7-digit EUR volume).
Defence against "trouble making shareholder"
Representation of a medium-sized company in a shareholder dispute to defend a client against a „trouble making shareholder“.
Litigation re liquidation claims against 33 shareholders
Advising and representing shareholders of a building company in a court dispute against 33 shareholders concerning liquidation claims.
Litigation re redemption of shares
Advising and representing a Hamburg tax consulting firm in a dispute with a former managing partner in the context of a redemption of shares measure.
Seizing assets of former directors of a shipyard
Obtaining arrests in rem against former board members of a shipyard due to tort claims, with subsequent enforcement measures (value in dispute 7-digit).
Enforcement of tort claims against former members of supervisory board
Advice and legal representation of a stock corporation to enforce claims for damages in 7-digit amount against former members of the Supervisory Board.
Corporate litigation re tax consultancy company
Advising and court representation of a well-known Hamburg tax consulting company in complex dispute against two former directors and shareholders (issues: challenge of shareholders’ resolutions, claims for compensation due to director’s liability, redemption of shares, unauthorized perquisites, disclosure of information).
Arranging for an interim injunction re shareholders’ meeting
Arranging for an interim injunction re shareholders’ meeting to ensure right of participation of a client.
Enforcement of a purchase claim in a share deal
Judicial enforcement of shareholders’ purchase claims (MBO agreement) against a buyer.
Advising wind energy offshore constructor
Comprehensively advising a wind energy offshore constructor on several complex disputes with regard to an offshore project comprising an overall investment of approx. EUR 1.2 billion.
DIS Arbitration re substation jacket of a transformation platform
Advising and representing client in a DIS arbitration regarding the enforcement of supplementary claims (8-digit EUR amount) against the main contractor of an offshore windfarm project (substation jacket of a transformation platform)
Legal action and previous ADR evidence taking action against supplier (onshore wind energy)
Advising and court representation of an onshore windfarm manufacturer against its supplier regarding performance / warranty claims (lawsuit and previous ADR evidence taking action).
Evidence taking procedure re tripods of an offshore windfarm
Advising and court representation of three parties in an independent evidence proceeding in the context of alleged defects of a windfarm’s tripods.
DIS Arbitration re offshore windfarm project
Advising and representing a consortium partner in a DIS arbitration regarding mutual claims for damages and supplementary claims in an offshore windfarm project (value of claims approx. EUR 124,000,000.00).
ICC arbitration against Indian supplier of solar modules (warranty and damages)
Advising and representation of a solar module manufacturer in an ICC arbitration against an Indian supplier (warranty claims / claims for damages of an 8-digit EUR amount).
DAB adjudication re offshore windfarm project
Advising and representing a party in a DAB adjudication (ad hoc) to defend client against asserted warranty claims in an offshore windfarm project (value of dispute: approx. EUR 6,400,000.00).
DIS arbitration regarding alleged serial defects re offshore windfarm project
Advising and representation of a party in a DIS arbitration to defend against warranty claims in an offshore windfarm project with regard to alleged serial defects (value of dispute: approx. EUR 13,500,000.00).
Advising client in an investment brochure liability matter (photovoltaic segment)
Advising an MDAX company in 3 different investment brochure liability matters against a large number of investors (photovoltaic segment).
Defence against product liability of an electronics manufacturer
Ongoing court representation of a large electronics manufacturer to defend the client against product liability actions (several matters, also in appeal proceedings).
Advice re international product recall
Advising a solar module producer in an international product recall (13 different countries).
Advising an automotive manufacturer re product recall in supply chain
Advising and representing an automotive manufacturer in the context of a product recall in a multilevel supply chain.
Defending thermostat producer against allged serial defects
Court representation of a leading thermostat producer against the allegation of product series defects in an evidence proceeding (“Selbständiges Beweisverfahren”).
Defence against claims regarding a building damage
Out-of-court defence of an international company (cold and heat business) against asserted claims regarding a building damage.
Advising a trade company re injurious defects of distributed products
Advising a trade company and developing a strategy vis-à-vis B2B and B2C customers regarding possible injurious defects of distributed products in a 7-digit trade volume.
Defending manufacturer against product liability claims re filter dryer
Court representation of a filter dryer supplier in independent evidence proceedings to defend client against product liability claims (substantial damage of storage goods in a supermarket due to leakage of cooling liquid).
Continuous and longstanding legal representation of a Scandinavian maufacturer
Continuous and longstanding legal representation of a Scandinavian manufacturer of heating components in warranty and product liability cases.
Forensic advice of a Hamburg investment house re failed ship-financing project
Advising a Hamburg investment house regarding a failed ship-financing project, particularly dealing with aspects of D&O liability (volume: appr. 80 mill. USD).
Defending a lawyer against tort claims
Court representation of a Hamburg lawyer in a professional liability dispute concerning defence against claims for damages from a former client.
Attachment proceedings against a criminal
Advising and representation of a client in attachment proceedings to protect assets against embezzlement.
Enforcing tort claims against a notary public
Advising and representing a client against a Kiel notary/lawyer to enforce liability claims in the context of embezzlement.
Advising and representing a lawfirm against former client
Advising and representing a lawfirm in a litigation matter against a former client to enforce remuneration claims and defend against the allegation of professional misconduct.
Legal opinion re procedural strategy for a Hamburg lawfirm
Preparation of a legal opinion with regard to the procedural strategy for a Hamburg lawfirm to give professional advice and support in a preliminary injunction proceeding.
Defending tax consulting firm against alleged tort claims
Defending a Hamburg tax consulting firm against alleged tort claims.
Defending client against remuneration claims of a lawyer
Successful representation of a client against unjustified remuneration claims of a lawyer.
Reclaims under insolvency laws
Advising and representing of various clients re pre-trial disputes and court proceedings with regard to reclaims under insolvency laws (“Anfechtungsklagen”).